We are writing to share an enhancement to the Kuali Financial Data Mart (KFDM). Beginning today, users will have access to a new data source containing information from the Concur Travel and Expense Management System as well as two standard reports. This will provide greater visibility and detail into an area’s travel, PCard and non-travel expenditures.
What is being provided?
The Concur data has detailed information from expense and procurement card reports that have been fully approved. Users will be able to take advantage of the provided standard report under KFDM → Standard Reports → Travel and PCard (Concur) or build their own queries using the “Concur_Travel_and_Pcard_Expense” data source.
How is the data organized?
The Concur_Travel_and_Pcard_Expense Star is built into folders representing items, such as Employee Data, KFS Accounts, Expense Header, Expense Detail, Merchant Detail, etc. Visibility to the data is the same as GL_Current and matches your access to transactions and accounts in Kuali Financials. A job aid.xlsx is available at which lists the most common fields users would use in their own reports.
What standard reports are provided?
Two Standard reports are available that will provide a summary of travel expense, PCard and out of pocket expenses as follows:
Exportable to Excel/PDF
Travel, PCard and Out of Pocket Drill Down Report –Summarized by organizational level, account or employee or by detailed transactions.
Web view only (Pivot format)
Executive Level at a glance – School/College level → Department → Account→ Employee
How do I get access to KFDM?
First, verify you have access by logging into WebFOCUS at If you can see the Financial Reporting → KFDM folder, you are all set. If you need to request access, select “Access Request Form” on
I have more questions, who do I contact?
For questions on the Concur data source or the standard reports please send an email to
For training on how to use KFDM please visit and select “Training & Support”
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