Employee Travel Card Request to go Live in Kuali Build on 6/10

The Employee Travel Card Request Form will be migrating out of Leap and into Kuali Build. The link will be updated on Monday 6/10. The form and its features will stay the same, but it will now be submitted and approved within Kuali Build. Though the process is the same, please review the items below as the setup is a little different:

-Most sections will auto populate, but you must start at the top of the form and fill out all required fields marked with an asterisk.

-To check the status of your form once submitted, there is a toggle button in the top left corner of the form. If you switch it from Review to Status, you can see where the form is currently and review any comments from approvers. Only the cardholder can check the status of the form.

-Processing times are still the same. Once your form is fully approved and processed, your card will arrive at our office in 7-10 days and you will be notified. Please plan accordingly. Increase requests, once fully approved, are effective immediately.