
Reimbursements vs Refunds: Who, Where, Why?

Have you ever wanted to reimburse travel expenses for a speaker at a seminar you put on? Or have you ever needed to refund a ticket holder for an event that was cancelled? You may have logged into HuskyBuy and thought, “Wait… do I reimburse or provide a refund using HuskyBuy or Concur?” Procurement Services and Accounts Payable would like to help you by clarifying any confusion between reimbursements and refunds you may have. We also want to take this opportunity to inform you with whom and when you should provide reimbursements and refunds.

With the help of UConn Travel, Accounts Payable, Procurement’s Center of Excellence has put together this guide to help you determine your best avenue to reimburse or refund appropriately.

Refund vs Reimbursement Guide

Launch of the Concur New User Interface

We are excited to announce that Concur Expense will be launching an updated User Interface (UI) soon that will make processing Requests and Expense Reports (including CBS (ProCard), Travel, and Non-travel Expense Reports) quicker and easier.  This new UI will Go Live to the entire UConn community on August 24th.

The new UI will include a cleaner and streamlined change of layout, which will offer a more intuitive and easier to navigate page.  We encourage everyone to visit the user welcome page in Concur for more details about these exciting upcoming improvements.

As well, please visit the “New” Job Aids under Training and Resources (labeled NEW UX) available at including the latest instructional job aid titled Old vs. New UX.

As always, our Travel and Card Service Center is here to help if you need additional assistance.

Thank you and Safe Travels!

Increased Travel Cancellations Due to Covid 19

We have recently seen an uptick in the number of people cancelling travel plans because conferences and meetings originally scheduled to be in-person events are being converted to online formats due to the increased concerns and risks related to the Omicron variant of Covid-19.

Travelers should consider these risks prior to making travel arrangements to prevent booking a non-refundable flight or hotel room that you may need to cancel.

We strongly recommend reaching out to the conference or meeting organizers prior to booking travel arrangements to inquire about the possibility of the conference being changed to a virtual event.

Finding out how many people are registered to attend the conference in person may also provide an indication of the likelihood that the conference may be converted to an online format if in-person attendance is expected to be low due to Covid-19 concerns.

If you decide to proceed with booking your trip, we strongly recommend that all University travel is booked through Concur or our travel management company, Anthony Travel, using the University-sponsored Travel card.

Booking travel through Concur or with Anthony Travel provides UConn with the greatest opportunity to exchange a non-refundable flight or hotel room and reduce or eliminate any financial loss to the University due to unexpected cancellation.

Cancelled travel arrangements booked outside of Concur/Anthony Travel may not be submitted for reimbursement since if the trip did not occur there is no basis for the University to reimburse funds. If the traveler used their University Travel Card to purchase tickets outside of Anthony Travel, they could be personally liable and will be required to reimburse the University for cancelled non-reimbursed travel.

For additional details on traveling during this time refer to our Work Related travel FAQs.


Actuals vs Per Diem

We have seen an increase in the number of travelers attempting to claim Per Diem reimbursement in combination with Individual Actual Meals on the same expense report. Travelers must choose to use either the Per Diem or Actuals method for meal expenses on a single trip.

What are the Actuals and Per Diem methods?

  • Actuals  – The maximum reimbursement for actual meal costs, including tax and tips.
    • Each meal expense is added to a Concur expense report under the expense type of Individual actual Meals.
    • Receipts are required for expenses over $25.00 out of pocket or over $50.00 if purchased using the UConn travel card.
    • The allowable amount is calculated on a daily basis and is not aggregated over the entire period of the trip.
  • Per Diem  –  Daily allowances paid to employees to cover meal costs incurred while on a UConn business trip. The Daily allowance or Meal Per diem is added to the Concur expense report via creation of a Travel Allowance Itinerary. Travelers using this method would NOT be eligible to use their travel card for individual meal purchases on the same trip.

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Concur Open Lab Sessions Now Available

In an effort to provide continued support to our faculty and staff we have added 30 minute open lab sessions via Microsoft Teams, geared towards providing one on one hands on support with Concur.

Whether you have just started using Concur or have been in the system since implementation, if you need assistance with Request, Online Travel Bookings or Expense, please sign up for of our Open Labs.

Click the link below to register for one of our open lab sessions available every other Wednesday from 9am -12pm (additional sessions will be added as we get closer to the dates of the sessions). If you believe you will need more than 30 minutes please sign up for two consecutive sessions. After signing up your will receive an email invitation for the Teams meeting.

Concur Open Labs Continue reading

Additional Training Sessions – Concur Navigation and Profile Setup

Concur Navigation and Profile setup (1 Hr)

This instructor led session is recommended for UConn Faculty, Staff and Students to provide an overview of the Concur website and required/recommended Profile setup information for users.

Click one or more of the links below to register for the upcoming training sessions:

Concur Navigation and Profile Setup – Tuesday, January 25, 2022 1:30 pm

Concur Navigation and Profile Setup – Monday, April 4, 2022 1:30 pm

Travel Update: Increased Travel Cancellations Due to Covid19

We have recently seen an uptick in the number of people cancelling travel plans because conferences and meetings originally scheduled to be in-person events are being converted to online formats due to the increased concerns and risks related to the delta variant of Covid-19.

Travelers should consider these risks prior to making travel arrangements to prevent booking a non-refundable flight or hotel room that you may need to cancel.

We strongly recommend reaching out to the conference or meeting organizers prior to booking travel arrangements to inquire about the possibility of the conference being changed to a virtual event. Continue reading